
Graduate Student Projects

Shohreh Afzali Graduate Project 2023
Angela Earle Course Project 2021
Angela Earle Graduate Project 2023 A Restorative Justice Guide for Teachers Entering Positions at a New School

Bianchi, H. (1994). Justice as sanctuary. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Elliot, E. (2011). Security with Care: Restorative Justice & Healthy Societies. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Gavrielides, T. (2007). Restorative justice theory and practice: Addressing the discrepancy. Helsinki, Finland: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control. reports/. . ./Hakapainoon2.pdf

Llewellyn, J. (2012). Restorative justice: Thinking relationally about justice. In J. Downie & J. Llewellyn (Eds.), Being relational (pp. 89–108). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Llewellyn, K. & Llewellyn, J. (2015). A restorative approach to learning: Relational theory as feminist pedagogy in universities. In Feminist Pedagogy in Higher Education: Critical Theory and Practice. Kitchener, WLU Press.

McCluskey, G. (2013). Challenges to education. In E. Sellman, H. Cremin, & G. McCluskey (Eds.), Restorative approaches to conflict in schools (pp. 133–156). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

McCluskey, G., Lloyd, G., Kane, J., Stead, J., Riddell, S., & Weedon, E. (2008). Can restorative practices in schools make a difference? Educational Review, 60(4), 405–417.

Morrison, B. (2007). Restoring safe school communities. Sydney: Federation Press.

Morrison, B., & Vaandering, D. (April, 2012). Restorative justice: Pedagogy, Praxis, Discipline. Special Issue: Designing School Contexts in Support of Proactive Discipline: Applications to School Violence. Journal of School Violence, 11(2). DOI:10.1080/15388220.2011.653322

Morrison, B. (2013). Beyond the bad apple: Analytical and theoretical perspectives on the development of restorative justice in schools. In E. Sellman, H. Cremin, & G. McCluskey (Eds.), Restorative approaches to conflict in schools (pp. 123–131). Abington, UK: Routledge.

Vaandering, D. (2014). Relational restorative justice pedagogy in educator professional development. Special Issue: Curriculum Inquiry 44:4. Editor: Kathy Bickmore.

Vaandering, D. (2013). A window on relationships: Reflecting critically on a current restorative justice theory. Restorative Justice: An International Journal, 1(3). DOI: 10.5235/20504721.1.3.305

Vaandering, D. (2013). Implementing restorative justice in schools: What pedagogy reveals. Journal of Peace Education, 10 (3). DOI: 10.1080/17400201.2013.794335

Vaandering, D. (2013). Student, teacher, and administrator perspectives on harm: Implications for implementing safe and caring school initiatives. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 35:4, 298-318, DOI: 10.1080/10714413.2013.825514

Vaandering, D. (2011). A faithful compass: Rethinking the term restorative justice to find clarity. Contemporary Justice Review, 14(3). DOI: 10.1080/10282580.2011.589668

Vaandering, D. (2010). The significance of critial theory for restorative justice in education. The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 32(2), 145-176.

Vanier, J. (2008). Becoming Human. Paulist Press.

Wolterstorff, N. (2006). Teaching justly for justice. The Journal of Education & Christian Belief, 10(2), 23–37.

Zehr, H. (2005). Changing lenses: A new focus for crime and justice (3rd ed.). Waterloo, ON: Herald Press.